"Private detective Sumi" - a full range of legal matters, confidential work anonymously.
The detective agency "Private Detective Sumy" appealed about the theft from production.…
Sometimes people want to hide from us some important information that can greatly harm us, our families, friends, work or business. But not in every situation, you can just go and ask a question on this topic.
Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations. And this happens even when there is absolutely no reason for jealousy.
Despite the abundance of information on the activities of private detectives on the territory of Ukraine, as well as around the world, to find a truly reliable specialist who will not only perform his work for the agreed amount, but will do it 100%
Psychological profile, determine the nature of handwriting can do for a long time. Almost all men distinguish themselves from women's handwriting. Specialists use graphology to analyze the uniqueness of a person's handwriting, which is akin to fingerprints. Known as features of handwriting that experts see no problems when writing forged. While technology may not achieve such accuracy when trying to copy the style.
Specialists conduct graphological analysis to ascertain the character, temperament, illness, or condition of the person. Sober or drunk, lefty or righty, sociable or autistic - it can all specialist versed in the psychology of handwriting.
All these assumptions are repeatedly verified in practice and not only our experts. There are many scientific papers on graphology.
For the analysis, determining the nature of the handwriting is not required original handwriting. Just send a detective agency quality photograph with handwriting samples. Using a computer, this can be done by e-mail. The letter, attach a photo file handwriting sample. You do not need in this case, even coming to the agency. If graphology need clarification, you will receive an email with the request. So you get a response with the results of the examination.
To learn more about the new workers, which employs an entrepreneur, he orders such examination, and identifies more worthy contenders for the items that will paint in graphology handwriting analysis.
Graduates bought checks themselves or their future spouses. They want to know more about themselves, to choose the right profession or life partner. Psychological analysis of handwriting will help you understand this.
All those who refer to the agency must be sure that everything will remain a secret: the object of examination, examination of the customer, and the mere fact of applying for this service. You no one will ask any questions the person whose handwriting is filed for graphological analysis. Having the handwriting sample, graphology have all the necessary information to do their job.
You can analyze handwriting family for several generations. It is only necessary to send samples of all family members of handwriting, and it is desirable to sample blanks ancestors had been more beautiful handwriting, calligraphy, people received education. Such an analysis may indicate the family traits of character and temperament, hereditary diseases, and intelligence.